yessir is the most fun guild. We're also good but we're the most fun. We formed for wotlk with more than half our roster having relevant mythic retail experience but we raid classic because its a chiller commitment and we like hanging out. We're looking for players who enjoy raiding and enjoy being very good at it. If you like ripping big numbers, doing well in raids without extensive ptr prep or raid hours, and clean consistent play then we're the guild for you. 80% efficiency in gaslighting preferred.
App here:
Discord: notzs (Officer) or .chart (GM)
yessir spielt 2 mal pro Woche für insgesamt 6 Stunden.
Day | Start | Duration |
Mi | 01:00 | 3 Stunden |
Do | 01:00 | 3 Stunden |
This data is based on yessir's recent reports.
yessir sucht neue Mitglieder!
Für welche Aktivitäten sucht yessir Mitglieder?
Welche Sprache wird in yessir primär gesprochen?