Revoked Access is a two-day weekend guild on Whitemane. Our leadership is comprised of both CE raiders and 2100 PvPers on retail. Our goal is to have fun on Classic while being time efficient and clearing content quickly in a friendly environment. New trials will have a chance to earn a spot on our roster, while current raiders are constantly striving to improve.
Friday and Saturday 6-10 PM Server (plus Thursday each release of a new phase). We start the raid group at 5:40 and begin summoning/pulling trash at 5:45.
We require one alt in order to facilitate splits and it should be the same role as your main. You are not required to have an alt until you have passed your trial.
We do not consider ourselves a speedrunning guild. We are progression/parse oriented, and whatever times we may achieve are just a reflection of how clean we run our raids.
Our trial periods last three weeks with promotions at the start of your fourth week.
If you are a trial or raider, it is assumed that you will be on the roster for Friday and Saturday. We understand that things come up that are more important than raiding. If you have to miss, post out in the attendance channel. If you are a trial and miss a raid without posting in the attendance channel, you will immediately fail your trial. We require 90% attendance by the end of each phase. Your current percentage can be found on the "Attendance" tab of our guild's Google sheet.
We use Master Looter in order to optimize how loot is distributed. We use an in-house loot spreadsheet to primarily determine how loot should be distributed, however performance and attendance will be contributing factors. Trials and Raiders have an opportunity to criticize and give feedback on the spreadsheet in role meetings prior to the finalized version being posted.
Revoked Access spielt 2 mal pro Woche für insgesamt 6 Stunden.
Day | Start | Duration |
Mi | 02:00 | 3 Stunden |
Do | 02:00 | 3 Stunden |
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Revoked Access sucht keine neue Mitglieder zur Zeit.
Für welche Aktivitäten sucht Revoked Access Mitglieder?
Welche Sprache wird in Revoked Access primär gesprochen?