Never Lucky has moved to Faerlina [H]. Formerly known as WOOVES on [H] Grobbulus and Premeditate on [H] Fairbanks.
We raid on Tuesday/Thursday 10pm-1am (1 hour later during prog). We're a semi-hardcore raid team which leans more toward the hardcore side with expecations. We were a TBC pre-patch created guild and we're one of the very few teams that has survived during that period.
Never Lucky has 3 years of raiding now where a number of the original members in the first raid are still apart of the team. Having replaced over 90+ various raiders in the time this guild was created to keep a competitive, high-performing roster, this team will continue to clear ALL content in an efficient and competitive time frame.
We normally add a Friday raid day for day 1 tier releases to keep a 2 day raiding schedule (we go back to Tues/Thurs the following reset). The team avoids raiding on holidays and if we're not 1 night clearing at the time, we'll adjust and add a Wednesday or Friday to compensate.
The team aims for a high server ranking where we compete with many hardcore teams for progression. We strive for high-rankings on Warcraft Logs and many of the raiders are top performers of their respective classes.
Current standings:
8/8 Heroic Dragonsoul Pre-Nerf
We are always looking for competitive players to add to our roster, any gamer is considered.
Never Lucky spielt 2 mal pro Woche für insgesamt 8 Stunden.
Day | Start | Duration |
Mi | 03:00 | 4 Stunden |
Fr | 03:00 | 4 Stunden |
This data is based on Never Lucky's recent reports.
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