XS is a longstanding guild that's been around since the beginning of classic, XS origins from Mograine and primarily focuses on Progression and Execution.
We are able to offer flexible raid days with 3 raids on either Wednesday, Thursday or Sunday, with all raids clearing week one without fail since classic.
Raid 1: Wednesday 18:50 - 23:00
Raid 2: Thursday 18:50 - 23:00
Raid 3: Sunday 17:50 - 23:00
▶ Rank 25 EU progression Sunwell / first night clear
▶ Rank 45 world / 24 EU progression SSC/TK / first night clear
▶ Rank 6 realm / Top 100 EU TotGC
▶ Rank 3 realm / Top 50 EU ICC
▶ Rank 1 realm / Rank 12 World (Rank 1 Alliance) Cataclysm BWD / BoT / TotFW
▶ Rank 1 realm / Rank 10 World (Rank 1 Alliance) Cataclysm Firelands
▶ Rank 1 realm / Rank 9 World (Rank 1 Alliance) Cataclysm Dragon Soul
▶ multiple gladiator and Rank 1 titles with a very active PvP community
XS's lootsystem consists of a fair loot council that's distributed by the guild master. This way loot is always distributed fairly and there's never been any complaints about loot being distributed unfair.
XS wants to remain competitive and strive to improve as the game progresses. To be able to meet our expectations we expect you to be able to play your class to its limit, using the best consumables, best rotation and the best professions. In return XS offers you experienced leadership, fast raids, great community and a competitive atmosphere.
For recruitment questions and further inquiries contact "Roo (mld)" // "Xcd (mm_j)" on Discord // discord.gg/xsguild
XS spielt 3 mal pro Woche für insgesamt 12h 45m.
Day | Start | Duration |
Mi | 16:45 | 4h 15m |
Do | 16:45 | 4h 15m |
So | 15:45 | 4h 15m |
This data is based on XS's recent reports.
XS sucht neue Mitglieder!
Instanzen, PvP, Sozial, Schlachtzüge
Für welche Aktivitäten sucht XS Mitglieder?
Welche Sprache wird in XS primär gesprochen?